Elliptic boundary value problems in domain with point singularities

Kozlov, V. A.

Elliptic boundary value problems in domain with point singularities V. A. Kozlov , V. G. Maz'ya, J. Rossman - [1st?] ed. - Providence American Mathematical Society - 414 p. - Mathematical surveys and monographs 52 .

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Referencias bibliográficas p. 397408

Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations on the halfaxis Elliptic boundary value problems in the halfspace Elliptic boundary value problems in tsmooth domains Variants and extensions Elliptic boundary in domains with conical points Elliptic boundary value problems in an infinite cylinder Elliptic boundary value problems in domains with conical points Elliptic boundary value problems in weighted Sobolev spaces with nonhomogeneous norms Variants and extensions Elliptic boundary value problems in domain with exterior cusps Elliptic boundary value problems in domain withinside cusps