The Internet book everything you need to know about computer networking and how the internet works

Comer, Douglas E.

The Internet book everything you need to know about computer networking and how the internet works Douglas E. Comer - [1st?] ed. - Englewood Cliffs Prentice Hall - xxii, 312 p.

Resúmenes, al final de cada capítulo Apéndices e índice alfabético, al final del libro

The Internet has arrived Telephones everywhere The world was once analog The once and future digital network Basic communication The local area network arrives Internet : the early years A decade of incredible growth The global internet A global information infraestructure Packet switching Internet : a network of networks IP : software to create a virtual network TCP : software for reliable communication Clients+Servers=Distributed computing Names for computers Why the internet works well Electronic mail Bulletin Board Service (Network news) File transfer (FTP) Remote login (TELNET) Information browsing (Gopher) Advanced browsing (www, mosaic) Automated title search (Archie, Veronica) Automated contents search (WAIS) Audio and video communication The global digital library