Statistics for business and economics an action learning approach

Sobol, Marion Gross

Statistics for business and economics an action learning approach Marion Gross Sobol , Martin K. Starr - [1st.?] ed. - New York McGrawHill - 522 p. gráficos - Quantitative methods for management .

Resúmenes, referencias bibliográficas y casos, al final de cada capítulo Respuestas a problemas impares, apéndice con tablas estadísticas e índices onomástico y alfabético, al final del libro

Descriptive techniques : frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, and variation Probability and probability distributions Sample selection and sampling theory Operational design Hypothesis testing Hypothesis tests : two and threesample or larger sample tests Nonparametric methods : ChiSquare test and KruskalWallis test Nonparametric tests of rank, runs and signs Regression analysis Forecasting Decision theory and bayesian probability Index numbers Multivariate techniques, data bases and computer software