Fundamentals of aerodynamics

Anderson, John D.

Fundamentals of aerodynamics John D. Anderson - 3rd ed. - New York McGrawHill - xx, 892 p. il. byn, gráficos - McGrawHill Series in Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering .

Apéndices e índice alfabético, al final del libro

Referencias bibliográficas p. 877881

Aerodynamic : some introductory thoughts Aerodynamic : some fundamental principles and equations Fundamentals of inviscid, incompressible flow Incompressible flows over airfoil Incompressible flow over finite wings Threedimensional incompressible flow Compressible flow : some preliminary aspects Normal shock wawes and related topics Oblique shock and expansion wawes Compressible flow throug nozzles, diffusers, and wind tunnels Subsonic compressible flow over airfoils : linear theory Linearized supersonic flow Introduction to numerical techniques for nonlinear supersonic flow Elements of hypersonic flow Introduction to the fundamental principles and equations of viscous flow Some special cases; couette and poiseuille flows Introduction to boundary Layers Laminary boundary layers Navierstokes solutions : some examples