Design manual for high temperature hot water and steam systems

Cofield, Rogers E., Jr.

Design manual for high temperature hot water and steam systems Rogers E., Jr. Cofield - [1st.?] ed. - New York John Wiley - 340 p. il. byn, gráficos, tablas

Apéndices con tablas y gráficos p. 213338 Indice alfabético, al final del libro

Referencias bibliográficas, al final de cada capítulo

Load analysis Fuel selection, handling, and storage Fuel analysis High temperature energy generation system corrosion/erosion Selection of high temperature energy (HTE). Generation system performance equipment Coal ash flue gas desulfurization, removal and disposal systems High temperature water (HTW) and steam generation primary cooling water and water or steam distribution piping systems Plant heating, ventilation, and cold air conditioning generation The emergency powerelectric diesel generation system