Avionics troubleshooting and repair

Maher, Edward R.

Avionics troubleshooting and repair Edward R. Maher - [1st?] ed. - New York McGrawHill - xvii, 398 p. il. byn - Practical flying series .

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Scheduled requirements. How to squawk a problem. Keeping up with modifications, bulletins, and airworthiness directives. Rules to fly by : Techinician certification. Avionics shop ceretification. Technicians and management responsibility.Work pilots/owners are allowed to perfom Avionics shop requirements : Choosing avionics. Avionics radio retrofits.. TKM updates and modifications. Used radios. Detecting stolen radios. Antitheft strategies. New radios. Other purchasing considerations. Technical standard order (TSO) requirements. Cooling fans. Selecting an avionics fan. Installation. Avionics decisions : Developing an installation plan. Instrument panel manufacturing. Antennas. Other installation guidelines. Placarding. Soldering: general application. Circuit boards and wiring repairs. Electrostatic damage. Wiring. Tools. Paperwork for installations and repairs. Installation checklist. Wiring failure. Corrosion and contamination: The unseen enemies? Avionics installation and repair : The microfhone. Headsets. Intercoms. Speakers. Mocrofhone, headset, ANR headset, and intercom manufacturers. Microphones, headsets, intercoms, and speakers : Audio and noise. Noise. Audio panel manufacturers Audio Systems : Antenna polarization. Choosing an antenna. Antenna problems. Rebonding antennas. Antennas : FCC frequency change. Installation tips. Antennas. COMM radio problems. COMM and NAV/COMM manufacturers. Handheld transceiver manufacturers. Communication receivers/transmitters : NAV antennas. Troubleshooting VOR problems. Antenna troubleshooting. VOR ground check. NAV flight test. Area navegation.Glideslope receiverrs. NAV receiver manufacturers. Navigation systems : Installation tips. Marker problems. Marker beacon receiver manufacturers Marker beacons : Front-end for king ADF. Installation tips ADF antennas. Troubleshooting ADF problems. ADF loop/ sense cable systems. ADF system operational check. ADF manufacturers. Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) : Installation tips. DME problems. DME manufacturers. Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) : LORAN versus GPS. How LORAN works. Antenna installation. LORAN installation tips. LORAN manufacturers. LORAN CDI manufacturers. LORAN Systems : How GPS works. GPS IFR approaches. GPS receivers. Installation tips. GPS manufacturers. Handheld GPS manufacturers Global Positioning System (GPS) : Autopilot gyro. Maintenance. Primary/ Bridle cables. Ground check/system alignment. Keeping autopilots going straight and level.. Gyro erection failure. Autopilot installation tips. Never say INOP. Fly it better. GPSS: details, details, details. Autopilot manufactures Autopilot systems : Transponder modes. Encoders. Transponder installation tips.Altimeter system and altitude reporting equipment test and inspections.ATC transponder test and inspections. Pitot static system check. Test equipment requirements. Nompressurized aircraft static check. Pressurized aircraft. Collision-avoidancd systems. Transponder manufacturers. Encoder manufacturers ( altimeters and/or blind encoders/digitizers). Collosion- avoidance system manufacturers. Transponders and collision avoidance systems : ELT regulations. Installation tips. Battery replacement. ELT testing. ELT repáors. ELT manufactures. Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) : Radar antennas. Radome. Safety. Radar manufacturers. Radar systems :
Strike finder and stormscope. What can ligttning do?. Platic planes. Thunderstorm detection system manufacturers. Thunderstorm detection systems : Compass construction. Vertical card compasses. Compass problems. Compass location. Compas repairs. Compass swinging. Slaved compass. Compass manufacturers. Compass : Heading indicator. Attitude indicator. Turn coordinator. Horizontal situation indicator. Gyro maintenance. Gyro troubleshooting. Gyroscopic instrument manufacturers. HSI/Slaved compass system manufacturers. Gyroscopic instruments : Installation tips. radio altimeter manufacturers. Radio (radar) altimeters .