Technology of ship repairing

Benkovsky, D.

Technology of ship repairing D. Benkovsky , G. Galver, I. Korobstsov, G. Oganezov - Moscow Mir - 573 p. il. byn, gráficos

Causes of wear and damage of ships. Determination of wear and defects of parts Methods of repair of ships installations and machinery parts. Extension of their service life Repair of the metal hull Docking of ships Outfitting the living and service spaces Repair of rudder and deck gear Repair of ships pipelines Damage, examination, and cleaning of boilers Repair of steam boilers Testing and handing over of boilers for service Dismantling of steam engines and internal combustion engines. Measurements taken during dismantling Repair of stationary parts of steam and internal combustion engines Repair of crankshafts Repair of the reciprocating parts Repair of valve gear of steam engines and internal combustion engines Repair and testing of fuel injection apparatus Assembling main steam engines and internal combustion engines after repair Repair of auxiliary machinery Valve repairs Dismantling of turbines Repair of main parts of steam turbines Assembly of turbines Repair of reduction gearing Assembly and testing of geared turbine unit Assesing the condition of the shafting and dismantling work Repair of shafts, bearings, stern tubes and liners Repair of propellers Line shafting assembly Repairs of electrical machinery Repair of networks Repairs of electrical apparatus, fittings, and various devices