Noise and vibration mitigation for rail transportation systems

Noise and vibration mitigation for rail transportation systems - 1st? ed. - Berlin Springer c. 2015 - 717 p. il. byn - Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design 126 .

Presentaciones en el 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise (Uddevalla, Suecia, 2013)

Railway noise control in Europe : current status Ortli, J. Novel legislation for railway lines and motorways in the Nederlands Vos, P. H. de. Bearable railway noise limits in Europe Elbers, F. B. J. Verheijen, E. State-of-the-art of the noise emission of railway cars Lutzenberger, S. Gutmann, C. Reichart, U. On separation of vehicle noise for limit setting in future legislation Thron, T. Leth, S. Stegemann, B. Estimating the performance of wheel dampers using laboratory methods and a prediction tool Betgen, B. ... [et al.]. Estimating the performance of wheel dampers using laboratory methods and a prediction tool Toward, M. G. R. ... [et al.]. Experimental and theoretical studies on impact noise generation due to rail joints Kitagawa, T. ... [et al.]. An explicit integration finite element method for impact noise generation at a squat Yang, Z. Li, Z. Dollevoet, R. P. B. J. Future european noise emission ceilings : threat or solution? A review based on a swisss and dutch ceilings Verheijen, E. Elbers, F. B. J. Comparisson between road and rail noise cost per transported ton of cargo Ögren, M. Andersson, H. Jerson, T. A survey of freight locomotive passby noise emissions Croft, B. E. ... [et al.]. On the importance of accuracy of geographic model data for noise impact studies Kuijpers, A. H. W. M. Roovers, M. S. Groenveld, G. H. The efficiency of noise reduction measures on railway infraestructure in normal operating conditions. NOVIBRAIL Hlaváček, J. Hejzlar, L. Kolmačka, R. Characterizing wheel flat impact noise with an efficient time domain model Yang, J. Thompson, D. J. Takano, Y. Study on the sound radiation directivity of a railway wheel and the relationship between directivity and mode shape Han, J. ... [et al.]. Empirical modeling of railway aerodynamic noise using one microphone pass-by recording Zhang, X. Localizing noise sources on a rail vehicle during pass-by Gomes, J. Hald, J. Ginn, B. Experimental characterization of the vibro-acoustic behaviour of a switch Faure, B. ... [et al.]. Experimental comparison of Maximum Length Sequence (MLS) and impact hammer methods to evaluate vibration transfer functions in soil Coquel, G. Kengni Kengan, A. sonRAIL web tool. A new web application of the Swiss method on railway noise calculation relased in 2013 Czolbe, C. Wunderli, J.-M. Fischer, F. Concept for measuring aeroacustic noise transmission in trains derived from experience gained in aircraft testing Galuba, J. Spehr, C. Innovative measures for reducing noise radiation from track Beier, M. Lölgen, T. Starnberg, M. Innovative noise mitigation measures in the frame work of "Konjunkturprogramm II" in Germany Moehler, U. Liepert, M. Martens, A. Indirect method of rail roughness measurement. VUKV implementation and initial results Phamová, L. ... [et al.]. Background for a new standard on pass-by measurement of combined roughness, track decay rate and vibroacustic transfer functions Dittrich, M. G. Létourneaux, F. Dupuis, H. Monitoring rail condition based on sound and vibration sensors installed on an operational train Jensen, T. ... [et al.]. Transposition of noise type test data for tracks and vehicles Jansen, H. W. ... [et al.]. Virtual testing within the TSI noise : how to introduce numerical simulation into a certification process? Bongini, E. Cordero, R. A study of the measurement technology of noise sources of high-speed trains Koh, H. I. Nordborg, A. Noh, H. M. Determination of insertion for vibration mitigation measures in track by artificial vibration excitation Garburg, R. Heiland, D. Mistler, M. The prediction of vibration transfer for railway induced ground vibration Verbraken, H. ... [et al.]. Invited paper : ground-borne vibration due to railway traffic : a review of excitacion mechanisms, prediction methods and mitigation measures Lombaert, G. ... [et al.]. Prediction of railway induced vibration and ground borne noise exposure in building and associated annoyance Villot, M. ... [et al.]. Attenuation of railway noise and vibration in two concrete frame multi-storey buildings Lurcock, D. E. J. Thompson, D. J. Bewes, O. G. Developing a good practice guide on the evaluation of human response to vibration from railways in residential environments Woodcock, J. S. ... [et al.]. Vibration control at sound transit Nelson, J. T. Watry, D. L. Recent developments in the pipe-in-pipe model for underground-railway vibration predictions Kuo, K. A. ... [et al.]. Prediction of railway-induced ground vibrations : the use of minimal coordinate method for vehicle modelling Kouroussis, G. ... [et al.]. Transfer path analysis on a Siemens Combino-Plus tram in Almada-Seixal (Lisbon) Schleinzer, G. Kern, T. Characteristics of sound insulation and insertion loss of different deloading sound barriers for high-speed railways He, B. ... [et al.]. Optimizing capacity of railroad yards within noise limits using a dynamic noise model Hoogzaad, S. N. Roovers, M. S. Modeling of wheel-track interaction with rail vibration damper and its application for suppresing short pitch rail corrugation Wu, T. X. Wang, Y. R. Investigating the effects of a network-wide rail grinding strategy on wayside noise levels Craven, N. J. ... [et al.]. Acoustic and dynamic characteristics of a complex urban turnout using fibre-reinforced foamed urethane (FFU) bearers Kaewunruen, S. Ensuring acceptable vibration levels in listed buildings by means of precise vibration measurements and highly-efficient floating slab tracks Jaquet, T. An assesment of the effectiveness of replacing slab track to control groundborne noise and vibration in buildings above an existing railway tunnel Bewes, O. G. Jakielaszek, L. J. Richardson, M. L. Mitigation measures against vibration for ballasted tracks. Optimisation of sleepers, sleeper pads and the subestructure by combined finite-element boundary-element calculations Auersch, L. Rücker, W. Innovative measures for reducing noise radiation from steel railway bridges Stiebel, D. Lölgen, T. Gerbig, C. Modelling of railway curve squeal including effects of wheel rotation Pieringer, A. Baeza, L. Kropp, W. FASTSIM with falling friction and friction memory Vollebregt, E. A. H. Towards an engineering model for curve squeal Zenzerovic, I. Pieringer, A. Kropp, W. An investigation of the influence of track dynamics on curve noise Jiang, J. ... [et al.]. Field trials of gauge face lubrication and top-of-rail friction modification for curve noise mitigation Curley, D. ... [et al.]. Invited paper : Railway noise generated by high-speed trains Poisson, F. Component-based model for aerodynamic noise of high-speed trains Latorre Iglesias, E. Thompson, D. J. Smith, M. G. Analysis of aerodynamic and aeroacustic behaviour of a simplified high-speed train bogie Zhu, J. Y. Hu, Z. W. Thompson, D. J. Derivation of sound emission source terms for high speed trains running at speeds in excess of 300 km/h Marshall, T. Fenech, B. A. Greer, R. Mastering micro-pressure wave effects at the Katzenbergtunnel. Design of measures, prediction of efficiency and full-scale test verification Hieke, M. Gerbig, C. Tielkes, T. Aerodynamic noise reduction of a pantograph panhead by applying a flow control method Mitsumoji, T. ... [et al.[ Reduction of train induced ground vibration by vehicle design Mirza, A. Frid, A. Nielsen, J. C. O. RIVAS. Mitigation measures on vehicles (WP5). Experimental analysis of SBB ground vibration measurements and vehicle data Huber, Ph. Nélain, B. Müller, R. Stiff wave barriers for the mitigation of railway induced vibrations Coulier, P. ... [et al.] Ground-borne vibration mitigation measures for turnouts : state-of-the-art and field tests Müller, R. ... [et al.]. Reducing railway induced ground-borne vibration by using trenches and buried soft barriers Jiang, J. ... [et al.]. Pantograph area noise and vibration transmission characteristics and interior noise reduction method of high-speed trains Guo, J. Q. ... [et al.]. Micro-pressure wave emissions from German high-speed railway tunnels. An approved method for prediction and acoustic assesment Gerbig, C. Hieke, M. Three noise mitigation measures for steel railway bridges Venghaus, H. The mechanisms of curve squeal Jiang, J. Anderson, D. C. Dwight, R. Proposals for improved measurement methods for curve squeal and braking noise Dittrich, M. G. Jansen, H. W. Curve squeal in the presence of two wheel/rail contact points Squicciarini, G. ... [et al.]. A review of measurement data on the performance of a resilient track form as a mitigation measure for ground-borne noise Cox, S. J. Herron, D. Challenges in the design and fabrication of elastomeric springs for floating slab tracks Rajaram, S. Saurenman, H. J. Vibration mitigation by innovative low stiffness rail fastening systems for ballasted track Faure, B. ... [et al.]. Control of railway induced ground vibrations : influence of excitation mechanisms on the efficiency of resilient track layers Nélain, B. ... [et al.]. Measurement of long wavelength irregularities on rails Grassie, S. L. Statistical description of wheel roughness Squicciarini, G. ... [et al.]. Rail corrugation growth in curves. Measurements, modelling and mitigation Torstensson, P. T. Nielsen, J. C. O. Effects of track stiffness and tuned rail damper on rail roughness growth and rail vibration levels on metro system Wang, A. ... [et al.]. Prediction of acoustical wall pressure levels of rolling stock vehicles Bistagnino, A. Vallespín, A. Sapena, J. Study on effective sound barriers for high-speed trains Kitagawa, T. ... [et al.]. Study on abnormal interior noise of high-speed trains Zhang, J. ... [et al.]. Interior noise prediction of high-speed train based on hybrid FE-SEA method Zhao, Y. J ... [et al.]. Attractive train interiors : minimizing annoying sound and vibration Orrenius, U. Carlsson, U.



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