The railway track and its long term behaviour a handbook for a railway track of high quality

Tzanakakis, Konstantinos

The railway track and its long term behaviour a handbook for a railway track of high quality - 1st? ed. - Berlin Springer c. 2013 - 414 p. il., gráficos, tablas - Springer tracts on transportation and traffic 2 .

Section I: History of railways. A quick view; Section II: The external environment of the infrastructure manager (IM); Section III: The railway track as a system; Section IV: The track degradation. Section V: Track quality. Section VI: Design-construction-maintenance aiming at high performance; Section VII: Tools for rational maintenance (RAMS and LCC); Section VIII: Outsourcing track maintenance; Section IX: Cost effectiveness of the railway track; Section X: Future challenges for the IM Listas de figuras y de tablas en p. preliminares Glosario, referencias e índice alfabético p. 393-414

Indice Alfabético Earliest traces Early wagonways Horse-drawn railway Steam power introduced Diesel and electric engines High-speed railway History of the track gauge The "stakeholders" of the railway system The changing external environment for the infrastructure manager Multi-annual contracts Forces on the track The track subsystem The vehicle subsystem Modelling the track The effect of track stiffness on track performance The wheel-rail interface The mechanism of track faults creation The deterioration of the track components Track settlements Discrete track defects as cause of track deterioration Track problems, causes, mechanisms, solutions Track drainage The track deterioration model The system "railway infrastructure" What is quality? Factors affecting the track quality behaviour Assessment of track geometry quality Track design The track construction (Aiming at high performance) Track condition monitoring Track maintenance Tools for rational maintenance (RAMS and LCC) Introducing to LCC and RAMS The RAMS analysis RAMS in operation and maintenance The LCC concept Maintenance planning using LCC KAI RAMS Integration of RAMS and LCC in the project design process A case of study of applications of RAMS and LCC in the design process LCC and WLC (Whole Life Costing) Investment and budgeting decisions for high track quality Outsourcing track maintenance. Introduction From tactical to strategic outsourcing Cost and benefit of outsourcing Measuring contractor's performance Types of contracts and its characteristics What kind of contracting is suitable for track maintenance? Common risks associated with contracting Maintenance outsourcing scenarios Modelling costs of service contract Infrastructure data management in case of outsourcing of M&R activities Cases of outsourcing applied Lessons learned. Advices for outsourcing Cost factors of track construction and maintenance Guiding principles for an effective track Measuring the performance Benchmarking Management of infrastructure data Maintenance cost modeling Technological developments and tendencies for the railways The future railway as a system



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