Automatic control of aircraft and missiles

Blakelock, John H.

Automatic control of aircraft and missiles John H. Blakelock - 2nd. ed. - New York John Wiley - xv, 646 p. gráficos

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Longitudinal dynamics :
Introduction. The meaning of velocoties in a moving axis system. Development of the equations of motion (Controls locked). Aircraft attitude with respect to the earth. Linearization and separation of the equations of motion. Longitudinal equations of motion. Derivation of equations for the longitudinal stability derivatives. Solution of the longitudinal equations (Stick fixed). Longitudinal transfer function for elevator displacement. Trasient response of the aircraft. Effect of variation of stability derivatives on aircraft performance. Longitudinal autopilots :
Displacement autopilot. Pitch orientational control system. Acceleration control system. Gilde slope coupler and automatic flare control. Flight path stabilization. Vertical gyro as the basic attitude reference. Gyro stabilized platform as the basic attitude. Effects of nonlinearities Lateral dynamics :
Lateral equations of motion. Derivation of equations for the lateral stability. Derivatives. Solution of lateral esquations (stick fixed). Lateral transfer function for rudder. Displacement. Lateral transfer function for aileron. Displacement. Approximate transfer functions. Transient response of the aircraft. Effect of stability derivative variation Lateral autopilots :
Introduction. Damping of the dutch roll. Methods of obtaining coordination. Discussion of coordination techniques. Yaw orientational control system. Other lateral autopilot configurations. Turn compensation. Automatic lateral beam guidance. Nonlinear effects Inertial cross-coupling :
Introduction. Effects of high roll rates. Determination of the aircraft parameters that affect stability. System for controlling an aircraft subject to inertial cross-coupling. Imprved system for controlling an aircraft subject to inertial cross-coupling Sel-fadaptive autopilots :
Introduction. General philosophy of the self-adaptive control system. Sperry sepf-adaptive control system. Minneapolis-Honeywell self-adaptive control system. Mit model-reference adaptive control system for aircraft. MH-90 adaptive control system. Summary Missile control systems :
Introduction. Rollstabilization. Control of aerodynamic missiles. transfer function for a ballistic-type missile. Vanguard control system(rigid missile). Alternate missile control system(rigid missile). Summary Guidance systems :
Introduction. Proportional navigation guidance. Comparison of guidance system performance.. Bank-to turn missile guidance. Short/medium-range BTT missile. Integrated flight / Fire control system :
Introduction. Director fire control system. Longitudinal flight control system. Lateral flight control system. Verification of lateral control system analysis. Velocity control system. Movable gun control. Gimbaled tracker desing. Tracking control laws (TCL). Discrete analysis. Simulation resuls. Multivariable control systems :
Introduction. Multivariable desing without servo dynamics. Multivariable desing with servo dynamics. Multivariable desing of YOCS. Sumary. Structural flexibility :
Introduction. Lagrange´s equation. Lagrange´s equation apllied to a system of lumped para meters. Mode shapes and frequencies. Normal coordinates. System transfer function, including body bending. The "Tail-WagsDog" Zero. Effects of propellant sloshing. Compensation required for body bending. Summary Application of statistical design principles :
Introduction. Random processes. Mean-square error. Autocorrelation function. Cross-correlation function. Power spectral density. Application of statistical desing principles. Additional applications of stastical design principles. Summary Pilot modeling :
Introduction. Crossover model. The paper pilot. Optimal pilot model. Review of vector analysis [Appendix A] : Some gyroscopic theory [Appendix B] Basic servo theory [Appendix C] Fundamental aerodynamic principles [Appendix D] Matrices [Appendix E] F94A and F15 longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic data [Appendix F] Wind axes [Appendix G] Digital simulation of transfer functions [Appendix H] Fire control problem [Appendix I] A1 and A4 gunsights [Appendix J]