The finite element method for solid and structural mechanics

Zienkiewicz, O. C.

The finite element method for solid and structural mechanics O. C. Zienkiewicz , R. L. Taylor - 6th. ed. - Oxford Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann - xv, 631 p. gráficos

Apéndices, índices de autores y alfabético, al final del libro

General problems in solid mechanics and nonlinearity Galerkin method of approximation. Irreductible and mixed forms Solutions of nonlinear algebraic equations Inelastic and nonlinear materials Geometrically nonlinear problems. Finite deformation Material constitution for finite deformation Treatment of constraints. Contact and tied interfaces Pseudorigid and rigidflexible bodies Discrete element methods Structural mechanics problems in one dimension. Rods Plate bending approximation : thin (Kirchhoff) plates an C1 continuity requirements "Thick" ReissnerMindlin plates. Irreducible and mixed formulations Shells as an assembly of flat elements Curved rods and axisymmetric shells Shells as a special case of threedimensional analysis. ReissnerMindlin assumptions Semianalytical finit element processes. Use of orthogonal functions and "finite strip" methods Nonlinear structural problems. Large displacement and instability Multiscale modelling Computer procedures for finite element analysis