The finite element method linear static and dynamic finite element analysis

Hughes, Thomas J. R.

The finite element method linear static and dynamic finite element analysis Thomas J. R. Hughes - [1st?] ed. - Mineola Dover - xxii, 682 p. gráficos

Lista de notaciones, en páginas preliminares Apéndices y referencias bibliográficas, al final de cada capítulo Indice alfabético, al final del libro

Fundamental concepts : a simple onedimensional boundaryvalue problems Formulation of twoand threedimensional boundaryvalue problems Isoparametric elements and elementary programming consepts Mixed and penalty methods, reduced and selective integration, and sundry variational crimes The Cāapproach to plates and beams The Cāapproach to curved structural Formulation of parabolic, hyperbolic, and ellipticeigenvalue problems Algorithms for parabolic problems Algorithms for hyperbolic and parabolichyperbolic problems Solution techniques for eigenvalue DLEARNa linear static and dynamic finite element analysis program