The Space Environment implications for spacecraft design

Tribble, Alan C.

The Space Environment implications for spacecraft design Alan C. Tribble - Rev. and expanded ed. - Princeton Princeton University Press - viii, 232 p. gráficos, tablas

Apéndices e índice alfabético, al final del libro

Indice Alfabético Introduction : Overview. The space environment. Spacecraft desing. The Earth's fields. The solar-planetary relationship. Exercises. References Introduction : Overview. The space environment. Spacecraft desing. The Earth's fields. The solar-planetary relationship. Exercises. References The vacuum environment and its effects : Overview. The vacuum environment. Vacuumenvironment effects. Modeling., simulation, and testing. design guidelines and mitigation techniques. Exercices. references. The neutral environment and its effects . Overview. The neutral environment. Neutral environment effects. Modeling, simulation, and testing. desidn guidelines and mitigation techniques. Exercises. References The plasma environment and its effects : Overview. The plasma environment. Plasma environment effects. Modeling, simulation, and testing. Design guidelines and mitigation techniques. Exercices. References The radiation environment and its effects: : Overview. The radiation environment. Radiation environment effects. Modeling, simulation, and testing. Desidn guidelines and mitigation techniques. Exercises. References The micrometeoroid/orbital debris environment and its effects : Overview. The micrometeoroid/orbital debris environment. Micrometeoroid/orbitsl debris effects. Modeling, simulation, and testing. desgn guidelines and mitigation techniques. Exercises. references