TY - BOOK TI - Noise and vibration mitigation for rail transportation systems SN - 978-3-662-44831-1 PY - 2015/// CY - Berlin PB - Springer KW - TECNOLOGÍA FERROVIARIA KW - Tesauro SPINES KW - RED DE FERROCARRILES KW - TRÁFICO FERROVIARIO KW - DISEÑO TÉCNICO KW - AERODINÁMICA KW - Ingeniería ferroviaria N1 - Presentaciones en el 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise (Uddevalla, Suecia, 2013); Ortli, J.; Railway noise control in Europe : current status; Vos, P. H. de.; Novel legislation for railway lines and motorways in the Nederlands; Elbers, F. B. J. Verheijen, E.; Bearable railway noise limits in Europe; Lutzenberger, S. Gutmann, C. Reichart, U.; State-of-the-art of the noise emission of railway cars; Thron, T. Leth, S. Stegemann, B.; On separation of vehicle noise for limit setting in future legislation; Betgen, B. ... [et al.].; Estimating the performance of wheel dampers using laboratory methods and a prediction tool; Toward, M. G. R. ... [et al.].; Estimating the performance of wheel dampers using laboratory methods and a prediction tool; Kitagawa, T. ... [et al.].; Experimental and theoretical studies on impact noise generation due to rail joints; Yang, Z. Li, Z. Dollevoet, R. P. B. J.; An explicit integration finite element method for impact noise generation at a squat; Verheijen, E. Elbers, F. B. J.; Future european noise emission ceilings : threat or solution? A review based on a swisss and dutch ceilings; Ögren, M. Andersson, H. Jerson, T.; Comparisson between road and rail noise cost per transported ton of cargo; Croft, B. E. ... [et al.].; A survey of freight locomotive passby noise emissions; Kuijpers, A. H. W. M. Roovers, M. S. Groenveld, G. H.; On the importance of accuracy of geographic model data for noise impact studies; Hlaváček, J. Hejzlar, L. Kolmačka, R.; The efficiency of noise reduction measures on railway infraestructure in normal operating conditions. NOVIBRAIL; Yang, J. Thompson, D. J. Takano, Y.; Characterizing wheel flat impact noise with an efficient time domain model; Han, J. ... [et al.].; Study on the sound radiation directivity of a railway wheel and the relationship between directivity and mode shape; Zhang, X.; Empirical modeling of railway aerodynamic noise using one microphone pass-by recording; Gomes, J. Hald, J. Ginn, B.; Localizing noise sources on a rail vehicle during pass-by; Faure, B. ... [et al.].; Experimental characterization of the vibro-acoustic behaviour of a switch; Coquel, G. Kengni Kengan, A.; Experimental comparison of Maximum Length Sequence (MLS) and impact hammer methods to evaluate vibration transfer functions in soil; Czolbe, C. Wunderli, J.-M. Fischer, F.; sonRAIL web tool. A new web application of the Swiss method on railway noise calculation relased in 2013; Galuba, J. Spehr, C.; Concept for measuring aeroacustic noise transmission in trains derived from experience gained in aircraft testing; Beier, M. Lölgen, T. Starnberg, M.; Innovative measures for reducing noise radiation from track; Moehler, U. Liepert, M. Martens, A.; Innovative noise mitigation measures in the frame work of "Konjunkturprogramm II" in Germany; Phamová, L. ... [et al.].; Indirect method of rail roughness measurement. VUKV implementation and initial results; Dittrich, M. G. Létourneaux, F. Dupuis, H.; Background for a new standard on pass-by measurement of combined roughness, track decay rate and vibroacustic transfer functions; Jensen, T. ... [et al.].; Monitoring rail condition based on sound and vibration sensors installed on an operational train; Jansen, H. W. ... [et al.].; Transposition of noise type test data for tracks and vehicles; Bongini, E. Cordero, R.; Virtual testing within the TSI noise : how to introduce numerical simulation into a certification process?; Koh, H. I. Nordborg, A. Noh, H. M.; A study of the measurement technology of noise sources of high-speed trains; Garburg, R. Heiland, D. Mistler, M.; Determination of insertion for vibration mitigation measures in track by artificial vibration excitation; Verbraken, H. ... [et al.].; The prediction of vibration transfer for railway induced ground vibration; Lombaert, G. ... [et al.].; Invited paper : ground-borne vibration due to railway traffic : a review of excitacion mechanisms, prediction methods and mitigation measures; Villot, M. ... [et al.].; Prediction of railway induced vibration and ground borne noise exposure in building and associated annoyance; Lurcock, D. E. J. Thompson, D. J. Bewes, O. G.; Attenuation of railway noise and vibration in two concrete frame multi-storey buildings; Woodcock, J. S. ... [et al.].; Developing a good practice guide on the evaluation of human response to vibration from railways in residential environments; Nelson, J. T. Watry, D. L.; Vibration control at sound transit; Kuo, K. A. ... [et al.].; Recent developments in the pipe-in-pipe model for underground-railway vibration predictions; Kouroussis, G. ... [et al.].; Prediction of railway-induced ground vibrations : the use of minimal coordinate method for vehicle modelling; Schleinzer, G. Kern, T.; Transfer path analysis on a Siemens Combino-Plus tram in Almada-Seixal (Lisbon); He, B. ... [et al.].; Characteristics of sound insulation and insertion loss of different deloading sound barriers for high-speed railways; Hoogzaad, S. N. Roovers, M. S.; Optimizing capacity of railroad yards within noise limits using a dynamic noise model; Wu, T. X. Wang, Y. R.; Modeling of wheel-track interaction with rail vibration damper and its application for suppresing short pitch rail corrugation; Craven, N. J. ... [et al.].; Investigating the effects of a network-wide rail grinding strategy on wayside noise levels; Kaewunruen, S.; Acoustic and dynamic characteristics of a complex urban turnout using fibre-reinforced foamed urethane (FFU) bearers; Jaquet, T.; Ensuring acceptable vibration levels in listed buildings by means of precise vibration measurements and highly-efficient floating slab tracks; Bewes, O. G. Jakielaszek, L. J. Richardson, M. L.; An assesment of the effectiveness of replacing slab track to control groundborne noise and vibration in buildings above an existing railway tunnel; Auersch, L. Rücker, W.; Mitigation measures against vibration for ballasted tracks. Optimisation of sleepers, sleeper pads and the subestructure by combined finite-element boundary-element calculations; Stiebel, D. Lölgen, T. Gerbig, C.; Innovative measures for reducing noise radiation from steel railway bridges; Pieringer, A. Baeza, L. Kropp, W.; Modelling of railway curve squeal including effects of wheel rotation; Vollebregt, E. A. H.; FASTSIM with falling friction and friction memory; Zenzerovic, I. Pieringer, A. Kropp, W.; Towards an engineering model for curve squeal; Jiang, J. ... [et al.].; An investigation of the influence of track dynamics on curve noise; Curley, D. ... [et al.].; Field trials of gauge face lubrication and top-of-rail friction modification for curve noise mitigation; Poisson, F.; Invited paper : Railway noise generated by high-speed trains; Latorre Iglesias, E. Thompson, D. J. Smith, M. G.; Component-based model for aerodynamic noise of high-speed trains; Zhu, J. Y. Hu, Z. W. Thompson, D. J; Analysis of aerodynamic and aeroacustic behaviour of a simplified high-speed train bogie; Marshall, T. Fenech, B. A. Greer, R.; Derivation of sound emission source terms for high speed trains running at speeds in excess of 300 km/h; Hieke, M. Gerbig, C. Tielkes, T.; Mastering micro-pressure wave effects at the Katzenbergtunnel. Design of measures, prediction of efficiency and full-scale test verification; Mitsumoji, T. ... [et al.[; Aerodynamic noise reduction of a pantograph panhead by applying a flow control method; Mirza, A. Frid, A. Nielsen, J. C. O.; Reduction of train induced ground vibration by vehicle design; Huber, Ph. Nélain, B. Müller, R; RIVAS. Mitigation measures on vehicles (WP5). Experimental analysis of SBB ground vibration measurements and vehicle data; Coulier, P. ... [et al.]; Stiff wave barriers for the mitigation of railway induced vibrations; Müller, R. ... [et al.].; Ground-borne vibration mitigation measures for turnouts : state-of-the-art and field tests; Jiang, J. ... [et al.].; Reducing railway induced ground-borne vibration by using trenches and buried soft barriers; Guo, J. Q. ... [et al.].; Pantograph area noise and vibration transmission characteristics and interior noise reduction method of high-speed trains; Gerbig, C. Hieke, M.; Micro-pressure wave emissions from German high-speed railway tunnels. An approved method for prediction and acoustic assesment; Venghaus, H; Three noise mitigation measures for steel railway bridges; Jiang, J. Anderson, D. C. Dwight, R.; The mechanisms of curve squeal; Dittrich, M. G. Jansen, H. W.; Proposals for improved measurement methods for curve squeal and braking noise; Squicciarini, G. ... [et al.].; Curve squeal in the presence of two wheel/rail contact points; Cox, S. J. Herron, D; A review of measurement data on the performance of a resilient track form as a mitigation measure for ground-borne noise; Rajaram, S. Saurenman, H. J.; Challenges in the design and fabrication of elastomeric springs for floating slab tracks; Faure, B. ... [et al.].; Vibration mitigation by innovative low stiffness rail fastening systems for ballasted track; Nélain, B. ... [et al.].; Control of railway induced ground vibrations : influence of excitation mechanisms on the efficiency of resilient track layers; Grassie, S. L.; Measurement of long wavelength irregularities on rails; Squicciarini, G. ... [et al.].; Statistical description of wheel roughness; Torstensson, P. T. Nielsen, J. C. O.; Rail corrugation growth in curves. Measurements, modelling and mitigation; Wang, A. ... [et al.].; Effects of track stiffness and tuned rail damper on rail roughness growth and rail vibration levels on metro system; Bistagnino, A. Vallespín, A. Sapena, J.; Prediction of acoustical wall pressure levels of rolling stock vehicles; Kitagawa, T. ... [et al.].; Study on effective sound barriers for high-speed trains; Zhang, J. ... [et al.].; Study on abnormal interior noise of high-speed trains; Zhao, Y. J ... [et al.].; Interior noise prediction of high-speed train based on hybrid FE-SEA method; Orrenius, U. Carlsson, U.; Attractive train interiors : minimizing annoying sound and vibration ER -